EKS Almanah 319

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EKS Almanah #319
EKS almanah 319.jpg
Cover artist: Rafael López Espí
Country/language: Mini yugoslavia.png Yugoslavia /
Format: 22 × 30 cm
Pages: 52 pgs, b/w & color
Publishing date: April 6, 1982
Editor: Brana Nikolić
Publishing company: Dečje Novine
Preceded by: EKS Almanah #31
Followed by: EKS Almanah #323

EKS Almanah #319 was a regular issue of the Yugoslavian comic magazine EKS Almanah, published in 1982. It does not include any Phantom comics but is of interest because of the Phantom art on the cover.


Other comics

  • "Spiderman" by ?
  • "Harlem Heroes" by Dave Gibbons
  • "Cisco Kid" by Jose Luis Salinas
  • "Fifi" by ?
  • "Gaston Lagaffe" by André Franquin